I am slowly learning this. You have to love yourself first, love your life first, love everything about yourself-good and bad-, before everything can make sense. I see what I want in everyone else's life and get sad that I don't have that, instead of taking my life, and creating EXACTLY what I want. It's possible. Doable. Achievable. If I'm willing to put in the hard work. I want to learn the concept of hard work before I get too old. I don't think I quite have a grasp of it.
Friday, April 29
New Day
Well the blessing said go out and do new things, meet new people, and that is what I'm doing. Tomorrow I'm going four wheeling, shooting, and a bonfire lol! Awesome huh.
And I found this girls blog that I work with and she had a cool little signature at the end of every post and I wanted to try it out, so we'll see how cool it looks ;)
I need to keep remembering that I love my life, and not the life i had with Marshall. I really think I'm kinda messed up. Why can't I just be blissfully happy with what I have? I really think a mission needs to happen for me. not only am I SO EXCITED to share this gospel, I know I need to grow. I need to learn, and I need to be constantly in tune with the spirit all the time for a year and a half to help me learn myself. I know it will be good, in all ways.
Also, as far as I know, my mission papers are into the stake pres! So hopefully I'll get a call tomorrow!? I don't want to wait any longer. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh waaaaaannnna gooo! Haha patience. Once again, I am reminded that I need to learn patience.
Time for bed, I'm so tired.
p.s. I kinda like having this blog all to myself thing. I don't have to try and write things in a way that will make people smile or whatever, it's just me. Just me :)
And I found this girls blog that I work with and she had a cool little signature at the end of every post and I wanted to try it out, so we'll see how cool it looks ;)
I need to keep remembering that I love my life, and not the life i had with Marshall. I really think I'm kinda messed up. Why can't I just be blissfully happy with what I have? I really think a mission needs to happen for me. not only am I SO EXCITED to share this gospel, I know I need to grow. I need to learn, and I need to be constantly in tune with the spirit all the time for a year and a half to help me learn myself. I know it will be good, in all ways.
Also, as far as I know, my mission papers are into the stake pres! So hopefully I'll get a call tomorrow!? I don't want to wait any longer. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh waaaaaannnna gooo! Haha patience. Once again, I am reminded that I need to learn patience.
Time for bed, I'm so tired.
p.s. I kinda like having this blog all to myself thing. I don't have to try and write things in a way that will make people smile or whatever, it's just me. Just me :)
Thursday, April 28
All About Us
Goodness gracious.
Sometimes in my blog stalking adventures, I find some really awesome stuff.
For one, I found the CUTEST blog.
one thing is for certain. I know I won't stop and settle until I find it. Because I almost married someone, who it wouldn't have been that perfect. Eternity is a long time.
This is going to be my wedding song.
I'm in LOVE with this song!!
REading their blog, and listening to this song makes me believe I can find love again.
Sometimes in my blog stalking adventures, I find some really awesome stuff.
For one, I found the CUTEST blog.
one thing is for certain. I know I won't stop and settle until I find it. Because I almost married someone, who it wouldn't have been that perfect. Eternity is a long time.
This is going to be my wedding song.
I'm in LOVE with this song!!
REading their blog, and listening to this song makes me believe I can find love again.
Wednesday, April 27
I'm grateful for my body.
I'm watching a lifetime movie called To be fat like me. This girl needs to make a documentary at school on what it's like to be fat. So she gets a body suit/makeup etc and starts to make it. then things come crashing down yada yada, but the point is that we judge ourselves way too much as women, and as a society against each other.
I'm just grateful for my body. I get so down on myself because I think I'm fat, I think that everyone is thinking I'm fat etc etc. IT IS A HARD ROAD TO LEAD YOURSELF DOWN ON.
We should NOT judge. We have no idea why a person is like they are. Yes, should we all try to be the best us? Be healthy? Yes of course. But that does not give us the right to judge others on weight, especially not judging ourselves so harshly that it's all we think about.
I don't really know the point I was trying to make. I just know I am going to start appreciating myself more. Just like the quote that goes something like, When you think that people are always looking and judging you, think again because they're probably not.
We are all BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME sons and daughters of God. We should love ourselves, because we are made in the most perfect image.
ya know what?
That goes along with everything as well, not just body weight/image.
I look at people's blogs, and if they seem to have just this perfect life, I get sad. I honestly will let myself get down, because what they POST IN A BLOG makes me think they have this awesome life and that I'm missing out on something. But that quote I found tonight really put it in perspective.
I am the author of MY life.
If I want to love my own life? Enjoy every part of it because it's mine, and I'm living exactly the dream I want to live?
then I have to write my own story page by page.
ait's funny because I get sad about other's blogs and I want to know what's going on in their life so much, that I just forget to live my own. Yes, I do believe that it's good to get ideas. There is always new stuff to be learned and that's what makes life exciting. And I realize that. But I try to be the stuff I see others being so much, that I forget just how cool I am. being me. Chelsey LaVoye Baker.
It's good to learn, but I'm still me, deep down, and that will never change. All I learn only adds to me, not completely changes me into another person.
I need to start loving me, and writing my own story. love the things I learn, but even more so, love who I am, right here, right now.
I think that's what everyone has been trying to teach me for a long time, especially Marshall.
please don't take as long as me to find this out.
love you all.
I'm watching a lifetime movie called To be fat like me. This girl needs to make a documentary at school on what it's like to be fat. So she gets a body suit/makeup etc and starts to make it. then things come crashing down yada yada, but the point is that we judge ourselves way too much as women, and as a society against each other.
I'm just grateful for my body. I get so down on myself because I think I'm fat, I think that everyone is thinking I'm fat etc etc. IT IS A HARD ROAD TO LEAD YOURSELF DOWN ON.
We should NOT judge. We have no idea why a person is like they are. Yes, should we all try to be the best us? Be healthy? Yes of course. But that does not give us the right to judge others on weight, especially not judging ourselves so harshly that it's all we think about.
I don't really know the point I was trying to make. I just know I am going to start appreciating myself more. Just like the quote that goes something like, When you think that people are always looking and judging you, think again because they're probably not.
We are all BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME sons and daughters of God. We should love ourselves, because we are made in the most perfect image.
ya know what?
That goes along with everything as well, not just body weight/image.
I look at people's blogs, and if they seem to have just this perfect life, I get sad. I honestly will let myself get down, because what they POST IN A BLOG makes me think they have this awesome life and that I'm missing out on something. But that quote I found tonight really put it in perspective.
I am the author of MY life.
If I want to love my own life? Enjoy every part of it because it's mine, and I'm living exactly the dream I want to live?
then I have to write my own story page by page.
ait's funny because I get sad about other's blogs and I want to know what's going on in their life so much, that I just forget to live my own. Yes, I do believe that it's good to get ideas. There is always new stuff to be learned and that's what makes life exciting. And I realize that. But I try to be the stuff I see others being so much, that I forget just how cool I am. being me. Chelsey LaVoye Baker.
It's good to learn, but I'm still me, deep down, and that will never change. All I learn only adds to me, not completely changes me into another person.
I need to start loving me, and writing my own story. love the things I learn, but even more so, love who I am, right here, right now.
I think that's what everyone has been trying to teach me for a long time, especially Marshall.
please don't take as long as me to find this out.
love you all.
Tuesday, April 26
I'm. in. love. with
p.s. and not in a cocky way. I'm starting to learn to really appreciate myself, and love who I am, and not always think that I am below everyone else.
the gospel of Jesus Christ

my amazing sister from anotha mista
going on a mission
my family
p.s. and not in a cocky way. I'm starting to learn to really appreciate myself, and love who I am, and not always think that I am below everyone else.
the gospel of Jesus Christ

the temple
my amazing sister from anotha mista
going on a mission
my family
dancing, performing
being silly
wearing hoods on my hoodies
the beach
dancing around in a hotel room with short shorts with your best friend
my grandparents! sorry everyone, but I have the best of the best.
Look how freakin handsome of a couple they are :) |
pool time with cousins i never get to see
my new little sister...kim :)
reading for hours on end
playing in the rain
![]() |
The answer is NOOO! |
little kids, i can't get enough
taking tons of pictures. everything is always a memory
so much more...
i will add to this.
"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing you are the author, and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page."
Don't want to forget..
So I don't want to forget how I'm progressing, now being single.
so It's been almost five weeks.
the first week was actually okay. I was carried by the Spirit and I knew things were going ot be okay. Then the next three weeks hit me like a huge boulder. It was AWFUL. Noone can prepare you for something like that. I missed him so much every day. The no good morning text, etc etc. I have never questioned why so much in my whole life. But...life still goes on. But it sucked to not have anything make me happy.
Then last week was kinda the bottom of all pits. My heart. just. hurt. period. plain and simple. Then i realized I was tired of being hurt. I was tired of being sad. I was tired of moping. Tired of just living day to day because, well, I have no other choice since my heart is still beating. So I decided, I was not going to be sad anymore. And ya know what? it worked.
I finally stopped moping, and realized okay, Heavenly Father wanted this. Not to just make us hurt so He could have a good chuckle. HE WOULD NOT DO THAT. I am loved way too much by Him, and so is Marshall. So obviously.......there is a greater plan and I need to start finding my way to that plan. I mean five weeks. I wouldn't necessarily say it was a wasted five weeks. i still had fun, and I really think I needed that time to be sad, because it was definitely valid. But I knew that i needed to make something of my new life now. And I did.
This week has been so much better. So much better. Sunday was really hard...but no sleep..it was just an exhausting weekend. but I am HAPPY. Finally. I know in whom I have trusted.
I turned my papers into the bishop on Sunday. YIPEE!
It's finally starting to be real. I started studying Preach My Gospel and holy moly. What was I even doing before when it came to spiritual matters?! This is amazing, and I can NOT WAIT to go out there and work my freakin tail off to help people find this gospel. I have grown so much in just this last week that I can't even imagine what is to come.
I asked my dear friend Becca why I have to learn all this in such a quick amount of time, I mean I know I am being prepared for something, but I can't even imagine what it is to involve all this stuff.
Her simple answer.
so It's been almost five weeks.
the first week was actually okay. I was carried by the Spirit and I knew things were going ot be okay. Then the next three weeks hit me like a huge boulder. It was AWFUL. Noone can prepare you for something like that. I missed him so much every day. The no good morning text, etc etc. I have never questioned why so much in my whole life. But...life still goes on. But it sucked to not have anything make me happy.
Then last week was kinda the bottom of all pits. My heart. just. hurt. period. plain and simple. Then i realized I was tired of being hurt. I was tired of being sad. I was tired of moping. Tired of just living day to day because, well, I have no other choice since my heart is still beating. So I decided, I was not going to be sad anymore. And ya know what? it worked.
I finally stopped moping, and realized okay, Heavenly Father wanted this. Not to just make us hurt so He could have a good chuckle. HE WOULD NOT DO THAT. I am loved way too much by Him, and so is Marshall. So obviously.......there is a greater plan and I need to start finding my way to that plan. I mean five weeks. I wouldn't necessarily say it was a wasted five weeks. i still had fun, and I really think I needed that time to be sad, because it was definitely valid. But I knew that i needed to make something of my new life now. And I did.
This week has been so much better. So much better. Sunday was really hard...but no sleep..it was just an exhausting weekend. but I am HAPPY. Finally. I know in whom I have trusted.
I turned my papers into the bishop on Sunday. YIPEE!
It's finally starting to be real. I started studying Preach My Gospel and holy moly. What was I even doing before when it came to spiritual matters?! This is amazing, and I can NOT WAIT to go out there and work my freakin tail off to help people find this gospel. I have grown so much in just this last week that I can't even imagine what is to come.
I asked my dear friend Becca why I have to learn all this in such a quick amount of time, I mean I know I am being prepared for something, but I can't even imagine what it is to involve all this stuff.
Her simple answer.
"He's preparing you for eternal life, dear."
Wow. It really just struck true. I have to know all this stuff I'm learning to be able to make it through life the best way i can. It's not just for a single even that might be coming up in my life relatively soon. It's for life, period. Eternal and the mortal. No more just sitting on the fence.
I hope I can live up to what He expects of me.
I NEED to try my hardest to be my best, and that's all I need to do.
I am finally starting to learn who I am, who I want to be, and what makes Chelsey the most happy. I thought I knew before.
Thank you Marshall Cox, for starting that thought process, giving me a crash course in what a real, true, amazing relationship should be, such a happy crash course.
and thanks to my Heavenly Father, who knows what I can handle, and who gave me all these lessons, and that I'm able to understand them.
Saturday, April 23
Pretty much just finished my mission papers! Crazy. I don't quite know what to think haha.
Talkin with the bishop tomorrow, hopefully the stake president next week, and then they're off!! :)
Talkin with the bishop tomorrow, hopefully the stake president next week, and then they're off!! :)
Thursday, April 21
only one item left to go!
I went in for my physical today. just have to go check my tb test on fri and i'm pretty sure i'm all good to go!
"love is too much to give us lesser things."
"love is too much to give us lesser things."
Wednesday, April 20
My new theme song. I can't believe i've forgotten about this song.
why are we?
Love is calling us.
why are we?
Love is calling us.
i can write stuff like this, because oh yah, no one reads this haha.
but even through knowing all i know, and feeling all the good feelings i have felt, i still miss him.
i miss that friendship. i knew i had someone who cared about me immensely, no matter what. ya know, things did kinda get weird at the end...but i know he loved me. i'm sitting here tonight(bad idea to be alone in your thoughts a lot) but i just simply miss marshall. all his weird antics, and sometimes when he was trying to be cute and ask me for something he'd always lean over and just give me this look/smile and ask. that pops up in my head a lot. i wonder if he thinks the same way too sometimes..just missing me.
i got mad at him yesterday. i know i was being dumb, and i got over it, but still. i found out he was exercising. what a jerk. after always saying to me that i needed to lose weight, and getting a little disappointed if i didn't do insanity that day, he never did anything. and now we're not together and he starts exercising.
were we holding each other back?
had we both just gotten to a point where we didn't want to lose each other, so we didn't do anything about all the little things that had been coming up?
that we weren't making each other as happy anymore?
not trying to do everything in our power to make sure the other one was completely satisfied?
funny how things start to seem a little fuzzy, the good things and the bad. guess that's God's plan. you have to forget stuff, or else you can't move on. no one would ever be in another relationship because everything would still be fresh on their minds with the last ones, the pain of a broken heart would still be able to be felt. moms would probably have less babies, if they remembered just exactly how acute the pain was of labor. you know certain things hurt..but you forget just quite as much, so it allows you to try again.
because of what he taught me, i'm doing a lot better with this than i thought. and by the good tender mercy of my Heavenly Father. but it also means i know how good he is at doing it himself. i know he's doing good, and i honestly want him to be happy. just hard to know he's so good at letting things go, especially when he knows it's right. just like we both do about this.
i know this is right. all my doubts that i put off as cold feet are starting to make sense. if we get together later it will be God's design, and i know it will be so right, but that will take a lot of time, and a lot of changing on both our parts. people say to me all the time that maybe it just wasn't the timing for us, and maybe later. want to know something? i don't believe that. i've been wrong before, and believe me i know that things can always change, but i think marsh and i have done all we could for each other. i don't know what he needed to learn from me, but i hope he did. i know i learned from him. yes we could have gotten married and we would have been really really happy. but i don't think we were quite exactly what the other needed to make our lives happily complete. i just don't think we could see it while we were together, because we did have a strong love. i honestly think we'll see each other in eternity and just be able to smile at each other, and think how grateful we were for everything that happened.
i needed a little more emotionally. towards the end i really started to wonder if he loved me as much as he said he did. i won't go into details but i really need to get this all out, no matter how much. he needed someone a little more like him. some people can live with a spouse who is polar opposite, but he needed someone just like him. sometimes i felt like he really needed me to be more in ways that i couldn't just change in ten months, and that i or even him for that matter knew what those changes were. he was everything for me, i just needed more emotionally. i really did feel like a burden on him. i know these are self-depricating thoughts, and i know i'm probably far fetched and need to think more of myself. but i did. and it weighed on me.
anything can happen, especially in the blink of an eye, but when we were talking on the sunday before he went to the temple, and we were both crying...he was telling me what he felt and i had a little vision i guess. we were in heaven( i couldn't see anything in detail but it was all bright and i just knew that's where we were.) and we were like on these benches and he was in front of me with his wife, and i was by my husband in the rows behind him and he turned around and just smiled at me, i smiled back, and he turned around. that was the end of it, but even though my heart was in the process of breaking into many many pieces, i just felt the peace. we'll both be so happy..and we'll both come to fully understand our part in each others lives, and why our lives turned out like they did. Heavenly Father will NOT take us away from each other, just to give us other who are less than what we had with each other.
people always say you just know when you are with the person you're supposed to marry. that's why people can get married after a month of knowing each other and be married 50+ years. it's that knowledge. i knew i could marry marshall and be freaking happy as all get out. when we proposed, i was ecstatic. he was the love of my life. but i don't think i ever felt that i just know feeling. maybe that is the hopeless romantic in me. it probably is. i know you don't need to feel that. but i hope i don't feel as many doubts with the "one." i grew up a lot with marshall. i can't imagine where i'd be if we hadn't of gone on that blind date. i would still be the same ol person i was, not growing really, still trying to get to somewhere that wasn't really anywhere. i feel like i have a better grip on life right now. more understanding of who i am, who i want to become, and the goals in my life.
i'm always so worried that i don't know who i am. that if i don't say certain stuff in my blog, or say certain things, or do certain things that i see the people i look up to do that i am lacking. that i don't really know myself.
but ya know what?
despite the heartache cloud i'm in right now, i know that i love myself. and i know when the fog starts to clear i'm going to love life even more. that's one thing i loved most about marshall. he never forgot who he was, and always lived life to the fullest, and enjoyed every second of where he was, no matter what he was doing. i'm always trying to do new stuff, and if i get bored i get really discontent with life. i know that both of those qualities are good. but he made me realize that yah, just sitting and watching tv, or talking with those you love and are closest to you, is okay. it's amazing actually. because those we love, are the most important. and if we don't have good relationships with them, even when doing nothing, for days on end, then we don't have anything. i'm grateful for that lesson.
i am a beautiful person, and i have a lot to offer this world. and when i think that way, life gets a little bit easier. things start to make a little more sense. i don't have to be just like everyone else..because i group all those other people i look up to, in one group. those i look up to. and they're all individuals and i, me, if they were to really look at me, they would learn from me too. i have just as much to offer this world as the next person, i just really tend to fail to see it a lot of times.
i know that that hurt our relationship. i know i'm right in a lot of things i got upset about. but a lot of them? i made up. my head is my own worst enemy, literally. and i know this because i do those exact same things with everyone who is close to me, not just my romantic relationships. it just becomes more apparent in those because they are so much closer to my heart in a different way that only those types of relationships can be, especially someone you are going to marry.
i'm sorry that i'm just rambling now. sometimes parts of me think that even if i ever had the chance to be with him again, i wouldn't do it. but then i know that i totally could.i go back and forth with myself so much. wondering what is me? what is real? what is fake? what is the devil? what is the Spirit? what is revelation? what is just my own mind and thoughts?
it's a struggle, which i hate. which weighs on me. for once in my life i just want to be able to be completely happy about something for more than a few days when the doubts start to creep in, and make me have to STRUGGLE to remember the good times, and to be happy again.
i'm so tired of myself sometimes, yet i'm grateful for the growth i have received and the amazing things i have been taught. i know that you make your own happiness, but how do you get past your head? and be able to categorize efficiently what is trash in our heads, and what is real? i want to fight myself, but it seems when i do i choose to fight for the wrong thing, which i learned the hard way.
i hate growing up.
but how grateful i am where i am now, because i could never go back.
i hope that a mission (if it's right for me,) teaches me these final things i know i need to learn before i get married and have kids. or if not, that i find some way to get ahold of my brain. and learn to differentiate my spirit, and my mortal body, so i can listen to myself and know i'm doing what is best for me. to not doubt like i do now. i doubt more than i really want to admit, about everything.
even though i now know what chelsey wants, what chelsey needs, i hope i can find myself sooner rather than later. to not always live in my head of comparing and thinking that someone is always watching me, even when i'm alone, so i can stop having to put on a show.
they say, you can't truly love someone, till you love yourself? i truly believe that. i hope i can learn to love myself, before i just get tired of life.
i needed to say all this. and even right now, i'm thinking of the one person i know has this blog address..and thinking what will she think of me when she reads this. i have got to stop.
operation find chelsey has begun.
i'm going to need a lot of prayers.
but even through knowing all i know, and feeling all the good feelings i have felt, i still miss him.
i miss that friendship. i knew i had someone who cared about me immensely, no matter what. ya know, things did kinda get weird at the end...but i know he loved me. i'm sitting here tonight(bad idea to be alone in your thoughts a lot) but i just simply miss marshall. all his weird antics, and sometimes when he was trying to be cute and ask me for something he'd always lean over and just give me this look/smile and ask. that pops up in my head a lot. i wonder if he thinks the same way too sometimes..just missing me.
i got mad at him yesterday. i know i was being dumb, and i got over it, but still. i found out he was exercising. what a jerk. after always saying to me that i needed to lose weight, and getting a little disappointed if i didn't do insanity that day, he never did anything. and now we're not together and he starts exercising.
were we holding each other back?
had we both just gotten to a point where we didn't want to lose each other, so we didn't do anything about all the little things that had been coming up?
that we weren't making each other as happy anymore?
not trying to do everything in our power to make sure the other one was completely satisfied?
funny how things start to seem a little fuzzy, the good things and the bad. guess that's God's plan. you have to forget stuff, or else you can't move on. no one would ever be in another relationship because everything would still be fresh on their minds with the last ones, the pain of a broken heart would still be able to be felt. moms would probably have less babies, if they remembered just exactly how acute the pain was of labor. you know certain things hurt..but you forget just quite as much, so it allows you to try again.
because of what he taught me, i'm doing a lot better with this than i thought. and by the good tender mercy of my Heavenly Father. but it also means i know how good he is at doing it himself. i know he's doing good, and i honestly want him to be happy. just hard to know he's so good at letting things go, especially when he knows it's right. just like we both do about this.
i know this is right. all my doubts that i put off as cold feet are starting to make sense. if we get together later it will be God's design, and i know it will be so right, but that will take a lot of time, and a lot of changing on both our parts. people say to me all the time that maybe it just wasn't the timing for us, and maybe later. want to know something? i don't believe that. i've been wrong before, and believe me i know that things can always change, but i think marsh and i have done all we could for each other. i don't know what he needed to learn from me, but i hope he did. i know i learned from him. yes we could have gotten married and we would have been really really happy. but i don't think we were quite exactly what the other needed to make our lives happily complete. i just don't think we could see it while we were together, because we did have a strong love. i honestly think we'll see each other in eternity and just be able to smile at each other, and think how grateful we were for everything that happened.
i needed a little more emotionally. towards the end i really started to wonder if he loved me as much as he said he did. i won't go into details but i really need to get this all out, no matter how much. he needed someone a little more like him. some people can live with a spouse who is polar opposite, but he needed someone just like him. sometimes i felt like he really needed me to be more in ways that i couldn't just change in ten months, and that i or even him for that matter knew what those changes were. he was everything for me, i just needed more emotionally. i really did feel like a burden on him. i know these are self-depricating thoughts, and i know i'm probably far fetched and need to think more of myself. but i did. and it weighed on me.
anything can happen, especially in the blink of an eye, but when we were talking on the sunday before he went to the temple, and we were both crying...he was telling me what he felt and i had a little vision i guess. we were in heaven( i couldn't see anything in detail but it was all bright and i just knew that's where we were.) and we were like on these benches and he was in front of me with his wife, and i was by my husband in the rows behind him and he turned around and just smiled at me, i smiled back, and he turned around. that was the end of it, but even though my heart was in the process of breaking into many many pieces, i just felt the peace. we'll both be so happy..and we'll both come to fully understand our part in each others lives, and why our lives turned out like they did. Heavenly Father will NOT take us away from each other, just to give us other who are less than what we had with each other.
people always say you just know when you are with the person you're supposed to marry. that's why people can get married after a month of knowing each other and be married 50+ years. it's that knowledge. i knew i could marry marshall and be freaking happy as all get out. when we proposed, i was ecstatic. he was the love of my life. but i don't think i ever felt that i just know feeling. maybe that is the hopeless romantic in me. it probably is. i know you don't need to feel that. but i hope i don't feel as many doubts with the "one." i grew up a lot with marshall. i can't imagine where i'd be if we hadn't of gone on that blind date. i would still be the same ol person i was, not growing really, still trying to get to somewhere that wasn't really anywhere. i feel like i have a better grip on life right now. more understanding of who i am, who i want to become, and the goals in my life.
i'm always so worried that i don't know who i am. that if i don't say certain stuff in my blog, or say certain things, or do certain things that i see the people i look up to do that i am lacking. that i don't really know myself.
but ya know what?
despite the heartache cloud i'm in right now, i know that i love myself. and i know when the fog starts to clear i'm going to love life even more. that's one thing i loved most about marshall. he never forgot who he was, and always lived life to the fullest, and enjoyed every second of where he was, no matter what he was doing. i'm always trying to do new stuff, and if i get bored i get really discontent with life. i know that both of those qualities are good. but he made me realize that yah, just sitting and watching tv, or talking with those you love and are closest to you, is okay. it's amazing actually. because those we love, are the most important. and if we don't have good relationships with them, even when doing nothing, for days on end, then we don't have anything. i'm grateful for that lesson.
i am a beautiful person, and i have a lot to offer this world. and when i think that way, life gets a little bit easier. things start to make a little more sense. i don't have to be just like everyone else..because i group all those other people i look up to, in one group. those i look up to. and they're all individuals and i, me, if they were to really look at me, they would learn from me too. i have just as much to offer this world as the next person, i just really tend to fail to see it a lot of times.
i know that that hurt our relationship. i know i'm right in a lot of things i got upset about. but a lot of them? i made up. my head is my own worst enemy, literally. and i know this because i do those exact same things with everyone who is close to me, not just my romantic relationships. it just becomes more apparent in those because they are so much closer to my heart in a different way that only those types of relationships can be, especially someone you are going to marry.
i'm sorry that i'm just rambling now. sometimes parts of me think that even if i ever had the chance to be with him again, i wouldn't do it. but then i know that i totally could.i go back and forth with myself so much. wondering what is me? what is real? what is fake? what is the devil? what is the Spirit? what is revelation? what is just my own mind and thoughts?
it's a struggle, which i hate. which weighs on me. for once in my life i just want to be able to be completely happy about something for more than a few days when the doubts start to creep in, and make me have to STRUGGLE to remember the good times, and to be happy again.
i'm so tired of myself sometimes, yet i'm grateful for the growth i have received and the amazing things i have been taught. i know that you make your own happiness, but how do you get past your head? and be able to categorize efficiently what is trash in our heads, and what is real? i want to fight myself, but it seems when i do i choose to fight for the wrong thing, which i learned the hard way.
i hate growing up.
but how grateful i am where i am now, because i could never go back.
i hope that a mission (if it's right for me,) teaches me these final things i know i need to learn before i get married and have kids. or if not, that i find some way to get ahold of my brain. and learn to differentiate my spirit, and my mortal body, so i can listen to myself and know i'm doing what is best for me. to not doubt like i do now. i doubt more than i really want to admit, about everything.
even though i now know what chelsey wants, what chelsey needs, i hope i can find myself sooner rather than later. to not always live in my head of comparing and thinking that someone is always watching me, even when i'm alone, so i can stop having to put on a show.
they say, you can't truly love someone, till you love yourself? i truly believe that. i hope i can learn to love myself, before i just get tired of life.
i needed to say all this. and even right now, i'm thinking of the one person i know has this blog address..and thinking what will she think of me when she reads this. i have got to stop.
operation find chelsey has begun.
i'm going to need a lot of prayers.
Tuesday, April 19
Kc is FINALLY back!
Kayci, is my best friend. More like my sister.
And she finally lives in SLC, only 4 hrs away, instead of Oregon, 12+hrs away.
I love her so much. |
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BEAR PAW! There are no two better words for breakfast. |
Right outside where kc lives. |
It took me forever to cross the street. |
We love taking pics.. |
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I love this place. |
Makes me smile :) |
*Note to self* most men do not understand that when you ask someone to take a picture of you, it kinda means to capture whatever you are standing in front of. Oh well. We still look good haha. |
These trees are gorgeous. |
Well, more pics maybe on another post. Blog photo uploader is SOOO slow.
Well we had fun these few days. I learned to crochet, and we sat for FIVE hours, and crocheted, while *ehhem* watching, the suite life on deck. Yes, yes we did. Embarrassed? Not at all.
I'm so glad to have her closer to me. Many more adventures to come :)
Monday, April 18
feel good
I could go on and on. This is Chelsey. This is me. I love the power that songs can have on a heavy heart.
I had a rough day. I was sad. Moving on sucks. But I am at work and watched Glee The original song epidsode. Rachel sings a GORGEOUS song, and just the way certain lyrics so with certain notes, I just get so happy inside. And then they sang another ending song, and there is something about the beat and the way it is sung that just made me so happy.
Then earlier she sang Firework, by katy perry. I used to hate this song. Maybe it was just because it's her, and I never listened to the lyrics. But as the song came on glee it just hit me so hard. I am still me. And now I have the opportunity to make myself even better than I ever thought possible. To do what makes me the happiest. To smile, and show the world how much this gospel means to me, how happy it makes me, and to just do whatever makes my heart just sing, because I have an opportunity to be a little selfish ;)
This is why I wa supposed to go to Tuacahn. To teach me how much I love performing! The feeling of when everything comes together, to give a performance to an audience to life their spirits as well. Self confidence sky rockets, and you know you can do anything.
I so wish I had the time to do another show or something. I NEED to find something like this to do. I wish I could have auditioned for the Nauvoo pageant this year, or something. I now remember what makes me the happiest. I LOVE doing lots of different things, but this, singing, choreographing, dancing, this is what sets my spirit alive. I know I won't be able to do it my whole life, a family is much more important to me, but I'm free at this moment in time! Free to do WHATEVER I WANT. Goodness. This is amazing. I hope I can find something to let myself go again like that...more than just a two am night shift musical fest.
What makes you the happiest?!?! LIVE IT UP!
feel good
I could go on and on. This is Chelsey. This is me. I love the power that songs can have on a heavy heart.
I had a rough day. I was sad. Moving on sucks. But I am at work and watched Glee The original song epidsode. Rachel sings a GORGEOUS song, and just the way certain lyrics so with certain notes, I just get so happy inside. And then they sang another ending song, and there is something about the beat and the way it is sung that just made me so happy.
Then earlier she sang Firework, by katy perry. I used to hate this song. Maybe it was just because it's her, and I never listened to the lyrics. But as the song came on glee it just hit me so hard. I am still me. And now I have the opportunity to make myself even better than I ever thought possible. To do what makes me the happiest. To smile, and show the world how much this gospel means to me, how happy it makes me, and to just do whatever makes my heart just sing, because I have an opportunity to be a little selfish ;)
This is why I wa supposed to go to Tuacahn. To teach me how much I love performing! The feeling of when everything comes together, to give a performance to an audience to life their spirits as well. Self confidence sky rockets, and you know you can do anything.
I so wish I had the time to do another show or something. I NEED to find something like this to do. I wish I could have auditioned for the Nauvoo pageant this year, or something. I now remember what makes me the happiest. I LOVE doing lots of different things, but this, singing, choreographing, dancing, this is what sets my spirit alive. I know I won't be able to do it my whole life, a family is much more important to me, but I'm free at this moment in time! Free to do WHATEVER I WANT. Goodness. This is amazing. I hope I can find something to let myself go again like that...more than just a two am night shift musical fest.
What makes you the happiest?!?! LIVE IT UP!
Sunday, April 17
so i love this site called stumbleupon. It brings up the most random web pages (based on interests that you mark), and one of my interests I marked, is quotes etc. This website has 50 Life secrets and tips. As I was reading through them, I loved it! We can all do little things every day to help make us happier and fuller people.
Tender mercy.
so i love this site called stumbleupon. It brings up the most random web pages (based on interests that you mark), and one of my interests I marked, is quotes etc. This website has 50 Life secrets and tips. As I was reading through them, I loved it! We can all do little things every day to help make us happier and fuller people.
Tender mercy.
5 down, 7 left.
I'm done with FB for awhile. I saw a girl he works with, and she just got engaged and it's too hard to see everything right now. I still feel kinda lost on what to do with my life, and fb is not helping.
I've been at work for 5 hrs, not one call. 7 left. I hope I can be productive, and pray that Heavenly Father gives me peace again. I've kinda worked myself up.
I talked to my good friend Gordon. I haven't talked to him since Marsh and I, and it was really good to catch up.
I wish I could stop taking things so literally. And just to feel things...
Stop anazlying the meanings of words..and seeing if they are in my life or not.
Just feel my own emotions...
i hope I make it without falling asleep :)
I've been at work for 5 hrs, not one call. 7 left. I hope I can be productive, and pray that Heavenly Father gives me peace again. I've kinda worked myself up.
I talked to my good friend Gordon. I haven't talked to him since Marsh and I, and it was really good to catch up.
I wish I could stop taking things so literally. And just to feel things...
Stop anazlying the meanings of words..and seeing if they are in my life or not.
Just feel my own emotions...
i hope I make it without falling asleep :)
Saturday, April 16
Last post about him..
It's amazing how many people are getting engaged, and how I used to be one of those ha, and how once your not, just how many people it is. The Lord has such a different plan for us than we do for ourselves, no matter how righteous our plans/aspirations are.
Can I just say a little bit about Marshall, and I promise it will be the last, I just need to get it out.
He was amazing. Noone ever in my life had made me grow, yet do it in such a loving way as he did.
He always made me smile.
Even though he wasn't romantic as much as I wanted him to be, now that we're not together, I can like vividly remember all the times he was, and just how sweet and simple they were.
He loved the gospel.
He willingly served a mission, and rocked at it all the way.
He loved his mom, and it was really evident.
He always told me, everything will be ok. That statement is so true, and I used to think it was just a cop out for people who didn't have anything else to say, but now it is so comforting.
He always made people laugh. He was always the head of the party.
He was very confident. Sometimes he ran on the edge of cocky, but never crossed it.
He loved me unconditionally.
I could go on and on, but i won't. I know that if Heavenly Father gave me him...he will not give me someone less...and I can't even imagine what more could be like. And if it's just not marsh's and i's time? Well then watch out people, because if we do get together again, it will be the best thing ever. I've definitely learned to never take anything for granted in a relationship, because you never know when it will be taken away from you. We had our problems, and looking back now, I can see where this is for the best, at least a little. I hope I can still be blessed with the full knowledge of why later though. but learn from your past experiences, and NEVER take anything for granted. Say I love you too many times..and never stop showing each other how much you care, even if it's out of your comfort zone. The five love languages are so true.
I can really say that I loved Marshall Lee Cox with all my heart, and he honestly was my best friend. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me up to this point, and I wouldn't trade anything, (even our short engagement) for the world. If we're not supposed to be together, I pray that he finds the best girl out there. And I pray she realizes what she has :)
Can I just say a little bit about Marshall, and I promise it will be the last, I just need to get it out.
He was amazing. Noone ever in my life had made me grow, yet do it in such a loving way as he did.
He always made me smile.
Even though he wasn't romantic as much as I wanted him to be, now that we're not together, I can like vividly remember all the times he was, and just how sweet and simple they were.
He loved the gospel.
He willingly served a mission, and rocked at it all the way.
He loved his mom, and it was really evident.
He always told me, everything will be ok. That statement is so true, and I used to think it was just a cop out for people who didn't have anything else to say, but now it is so comforting.
He always made people laugh. He was always the head of the party.
He was very confident. Sometimes he ran on the edge of cocky, but never crossed it.
He loved me unconditionally.
I could go on and on, but i won't. I know that if Heavenly Father gave me him...he will not give me someone less...and I can't even imagine what more could be like. And if it's just not marsh's and i's time? Well then watch out people, because if we do get together again, it will be the best thing ever. I've definitely learned to never take anything for granted in a relationship, because you never know when it will be taken away from you. We had our problems, and looking back now, I can see where this is for the best, at least a little. I hope I can still be blessed with the full knowledge of why later though. but learn from your past experiences, and NEVER take anything for granted. Say I love you too many times..and never stop showing each other how much you care, even if it's out of your comfort zone. The five love languages are so true.
I can really say that I loved Marshall Lee Cox with all my heart, and he honestly was my best friend. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me up to this point, and I wouldn't trade anything, (even our short engagement) for the world. If we're not supposed to be together, I pray that he finds the best girl out there. And I pray she realizes what she has :)
Friday, April 15
lovin the weather!
This weather up in dammeron is beautiful today. The breeze is blowing just right and the temp is amazing. I bet it will be too hot in town haha.
I went for a jog/walk today and it was so great. I feel really good about my life, well as good as I can be, pushing him out of my mind. I actually woke up this morning not sad, even though i did dream about him again. it was so great. I love my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful my Savior died for me, so that he can help me carry this awful burden of a completely broken heart. I don't know how people do it without the gospel. Another reason I want to serve a mission...to tell people this wonderful news that they could be so much happier. That there is a complete gospel out there, and that Heavenly Father and Christ will never leave their side.
I hope that is what life brings me. It only seems to be getting more and more what i think about. we'll see. patience chelsey, patience.
I went for a jog/walk today and it was so great. I feel really good about my life, well as good as I can be, pushing him out of my mind. I actually woke up this morning not sad, even though i did dream about him again. it was so great. I love my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful my Savior died for me, so that he can help me carry this awful burden of a completely broken heart. I don't know how people do it without the gospel. Another reason I want to serve a mission...to tell people this wonderful news that they could be so much happier. That there is a complete gospel out there, and that Heavenly Father and Christ will never leave their side.
I hope that is what life brings me. It only seems to be getting more and more what i think about. we'll see. patience chelsey, patience.
Thursday, April 14
Love this song!
I love listening to the Christian radio station. Sometimes, they're probably not as reverent as they should be in the songs, when they are addressing Christ, but they all have good meanings, and always brighten my day. I came across this song one day, and honestly it has helped me through this break up. I listen to it over and over and over.
It's called "Blessings" by Laura Story.
It's called "Blessings" by Laura Story.
‘Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise.
This the last strain of the song. I know that I will look back on my trials, my rains, my storms, and my hardest nights, and know that they were mercies in disguise. I will learn so much, and be such a better person.
This whole having faith thing, is really hard sometimes. As I was driving home today, becoming increasingly sad with every mile marker because usually i would be going to his house to get a big hug and to chill, i was thinking about why can't I just know now? Know why I have to go through this, when I thought and was trying to do everything I thought was going to be good. And I know the answer is I wouldn't grow. Yah I would still hurt from losing him, but there would be no reason to have faith.
Even though I still almost start crying about five times a day, and sometimes it's really hard to get going for the day...times like this come up probably more than I realize. To help keep me going. To keep pushing me along down this path of life. I have a lot to do. I have been told this many times, and anyone can read their patriarchal blessing to know that we all have a lot to live up to in this life. And this time is really for me to focus on myself. What Chelsey likes, and wants, and needs, and mostly what I need to learn and how I can give back to this world, and to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to be successful to my family, to me, and to my Heavenly parents and my Savior.
I am grateful for the tender mercies I receive each day. The Lord is keenly aware of us. I love Them so much.
Faith is believing, not seeing.
I went to the eye doctor today for more contacts. He was asking the usual questions that you ask people you don't really know...stuff about boys etc. and the questions hadn't come out and exactly said, do you have a bf? so I was just kinda answering them politely, until that question came up. And I started crying. Right then and there. (I had been trying to hold them back all morning.) and I said, well..I was engaged until about a month ago.
Seeing this man today, was a tender mercy from the Lord. I have always just been very at ease with this doctor. He's just one of those guys that can always make ya smile and there is never an awkward moment. And he kinda told me some stories, and we talked a little bit, and I honestly felt so much better. I know, weird right? Talking about all this with my...eye doctor? but seriously it wasn't weird at all. He's LDS and was so good about the whole thing. As we went along with the appointment and he checked my eyes out, he was going back and forth between two different things asking which one I could see better and he said something very profound.
*When we had been talking about it earlier, I said something about how I thought Marsh had been close to perfect for me and I couldn't really think of anyone being better.*
So after a few back and forths he said,
Now I don't intend this to be funny or anything, but you said you thought he was perfect?I said, yah....and then he flipped to one screen that looked pretty clear to me. I could see it completely fine, but when he switched to the next screen it was even clearer. I had thought I was seeing just fine before. I hadn't realized that the first one was just a little bit hazy. So I said, the second one is better. And just very calmly and profoundly said,
the only reason you know that this one is better, is because you saw the one before. you wouldn't have known the difference if you hadn't have seen both of them.I was like wow. I had never thought about it really I guess, or this just really put it into perspective. I would never have known what was better out there for me, unless I had had the one that was not so clear. Although I could see the first one just fine, and I would have been a happy girl with it, the second one made things so much clearer. It was just a very simple, yet reassuring sentence that I know was a tender mercy from the Lord. If Marshall and I are supposed to be together later? and this just isn't our time? We needed each other to grow, and to come to this point, and to have this incredible pain for us to know the exquisite sweetness. And if we are supposed to be with others? Then we needed each other to grow, and learn things that we will need for those other relationships, that only we could have taught each other. Marshall came too perfectly into my life to be a mistake, or coincidence. He was there for a very special purpose and he will always have a place in my heart, always.
Even though I still almost start crying about five times a day, and sometimes it's really hard to get going for the day...times like this come up probably more than I realize. To help keep me going. To keep pushing me along down this path of life. I have a lot to do. I have been told this many times, and anyone can read their patriarchal blessing to know that we all have a lot to live up to in this life. And this time is really for me to focus on myself. What Chelsey likes, and wants, and needs, and mostly what I need to learn and how I can give back to this world, and to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to be successful to my family, to me, and to my Heavenly parents and my Savior.
I am grateful for the tender mercies I receive each day. The Lord is keenly aware of us. I love Them so much.
Tuesday, April 12
Come what may..and LOVE it.
Life can change in the blink of an eye.
I'm so very sorry for the depressing posts. This last week and a half has been a killer. I've never been more low, yet so held up at the same time.
This gospel is so very true. I was at my wits ends today. I even started my mission papers, but after a very amazing blessing, and very spiritual experience, I know I need to slow down.
I need to heal first.
And then, if a mission is right, I will go. Or I will find another mission. My blessing was very specific.
I am LOVED by my Heavenly Father, as is every other one of His children.
I wish I could explain to you the feeling of pure amazingness it is to know and understand that.
My life changed when I met Marshall.
My life kept changing as we dated.
My life changed when I moved back down.
My life changed when we were engaged.
My life DEFINITELY changed when we broke up and I lost my best friend..
My life changed when I decided to go on a mission.
And now my life has changed AGAIN, to what is right in my life now.
But never fear, for we are always watched over. He is so keenly aware of our situations.
Life is meant to be ENJOYED, not simply endured.
And I was for sure just enduring this past week.
But I now very keenly know how loved I am by my Heavenly Father.
And what is right for someone else, does not necessarily mean it's right for me. I am living my own life, and everything that happens to me, and when it happens to me, will be amazing for me. I am learning to love myself...and all that is happening to me. Because if anything had happened to me differently? I wouldn't appreciate or love my life as much.
Gosh I'm so excited for all to come!!
I know I am still grieving. How can you not when you lose your best friend and someone you thought you were going to spend eternity with? But among the sad, I have faith everything will be okay, and that there is greater plan for both of us, and we will be SO happy. How could an amazing God and our Father, have something different?
And I love you.
So hopefully as my life changes even more this coming year, that I can take it as it comes, and love whatever happens to me.
Life can change in the blink of an eye.
I'm so very sorry for the depressing posts. This last week and a half has been a killer. I've never been more low, yet so held up at the same time.
This gospel is so very true. I was at my wits ends today. I even started my mission papers, but after a very amazing blessing, and very spiritual experience, I know I need to slow down.
I need to heal first.
And then, if a mission is right, I will go. Or I will find another mission. My blessing was very specific.
I am LOVED by my Heavenly Father, as is every other one of His children.
I wish I could explain to you the feeling of pure amazingness it is to know and understand that.
My life changed when I met Marshall.
My life kept changing as we dated.
My life changed when I moved back down.
My life changed when we were engaged.
My life DEFINITELY changed when we broke up and I lost my best friend..
My life changed when I decided to go on a mission.
And now my life has changed AGAIN, to what is right in my life now.
But never fear, for we are always watched over. He is so keenly aware of our situations.
Life is meant to be ENJOYED, not simply endured.
And I was for sure just enduring this past week.
But I now very keenly know how loved I am by my Heavenly Father.
And what is right for someone else, does not necessarily mean it's right for me. I am living my own life, and everything that happens to me, and when it happens to me, will be amazing for me. I am learning to love myself...and all that is happening to me. Because if anything had happened to me differently? I wouldn't appreciate or love my life as much.
Gosh I'm so excited for all to come!!
I know I am still grieving. How can you not when you lose your best friend and someone you thought you were going to spend eternity with? But among the sad, I have faith everything will be okay, and that there is greater plan for both of us, and we will be SO happy. How could an amazing God and our Father, have something different?
And I love you.
So hopefully as my life changes even more this coming year, that I can take it as it comes, and love whatever happens to me.
2011. the year of change... bring it. :)
Blessing of the Day :)
-My Heavenly Father LOVES me. And I am one of His special daughters. What an amazing realization. Even though I knew it before, I KNOW it deep down now. I can't imagine anything sweeter.
Saturday, April 9
..Gratitude Journal..
I remember counsel I heard once to keep a gratitude journal. I always wanted to do it but never found a way that worked. I tried carrying around a little notebook in my purse., but I would ALWAYS forget to write things down. But I found this article.
This girl, after reading her scriptures would write down one thing she was grateful for. And she had to be creative because she didn't want to write the same things over and over again.
I really want to do this. And I will try to write three things every time I blog.
This girl, after reading her scriptures would write down one thing she was grateful for. And she had to be creative because she didn't want to write the same things over and over again.
I really want to do this. And I will try to write three things every time I blog.
President Joseph F. Smith proclaimed: “The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life. Pride destroys our gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 263).
◊Blessing of the Day◊
✓When people tell their own stories, and without knowing it, they help me realize how I want my life to go. Learning from others.
Friday, April 8
Fresh Start..
So, so much has happened in the past two weeks.
-i'm not engaged anymore
-i'm going on a mission
-i have NO idea where my life is going to take me after that
Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed. But I have felt the quiet, gentle peace of our Heavenly Father. He loves me so much, and I can't believe I've gotten through as much as I have, and I owe it all to Him. That first week I was carried, literally, through all the sad moments and through all the memories having to be thrown away, and then through the exciting new times to look forward to which are hard to see.
Now i'm into the second week, and it's a struggle. I know I'm supposed to see how strong my faith really is now. To rely on Him still, and get through the most difficult time of my life. So far, I have only succeeded a little bit. This week has been up and down so much that I am just drained emotionally. I'm just so tired inside all the time.
But I know I have little guardian angels always with me, who always know what to say, and it's always what I need. I'm grateful for them <3 They'll probably never know who they are.
So this blog is about me. Time to work on myself, time to improve, and to not worry about boys, which I have done my whole life. I don't know why Heavenly Father chose to not let Marshall and I be together, but I can't dwell on that because of all the peace and answers I have been given from it. I need to find who I am, and make peace with myself before I can learn to truly love someone else for eternity. It will turn into my mission blog, where hopefully my mom will be able to post all my letters, so everyone can be updated.
-i'm not engaged anymore
-i'm going on a mission
-i have NO idea where my life is going to take me after that
Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed. But I have felt the quiet, gentle peace of our Heavenly Father. He loves me so much, and I can't believe I've gotten through as much as I have, and I owe it all to Him. That first week I was carried, literally, through all the sad moments and through all the memories having to be thrown away, and then through the exciting new times to look forward to which are hard to see.
Now i'm into the second week, and it's a struggle. I know I'm supposed to see how strong my faith really is now. To rely on Him still, and get through the most difficult time of my life. So far, I have only succeeded a little bit. This week has been up and down so much that I am just drained emotionally. I'm just so tired inside all the time.
But I know I have little guardian angels always with me, who always know what to say, and it's always what I need. I'm grateful for them <3 They'll probably never know who they are.
So this blog is about me. Time to work on myself, time to improve, and to not worry about boys, which I have done my whole life. I don't know why Heavenly Father chose to not let Marshall and I be together, but I can't dwell on that because of all the peace and answers I have been given from it. I need to find who I am, and make peace with myself before I can learn to truly love someone else for eternity. It will turn into my mission blog, where hopefully my mom will be able to post all my letters, so everyone can be updated.
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
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