Seven random facts, eh? Hmm..
1.I love going black bear hunting! yes, that's what I said :) When I was little, like age 2 through age 10 or so, we would go to my grandparents cabin(which was their house) in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. We would get up really early, load up the hound dogs with their tracking collars, and start driving slowly down the dirt backroads looking for tracks on the side of the road. Then when one was found we would let the dogs go, and start tracking them with a little antenna and box and see where they went. I can't quite remember now, but you could tell from the way the collars were beeping if they had treed the bear, and we would tromp through the woods into where the dogs would have the bear up the tree. And then my grandpa would pull the dogs back, and the bear would scurry down and run off. I have so many wonderful, wonderful memories of my grandpa and doing this with him. I love my grandparents so much.
2.I really like just keeping the plastic spoons in my mouth after I eat ice cream or something. Weird? yes, I know haha.
3. I've never been to Disneyland, just Disneyworld. I want to go!
4. I love reading. I love getting a good book, and never stopping. And I get really sad when a book or series ends. You start to really care for the characters...or I could just be a sap. Whichever :)
5. I love dancing in parking lots with my best friend. After high school, and even now, we will go back to our high school and turn up the music really loud in my car and dance our hearts out to our favorite songs. Being silly and dancing can make anything better :)
6. I like the Hannah Montana movie. Haha, did I just say that? Jk, I'm not ashamed. I love kids movies like that. For one I love musicals, and they always have a good moral to the story, and are just one of those feel good movies. The Hoedown Throwdown dance she does in it, I youtubed it until I learned it. So much fun haha. Please tell me I'm not the only one?!
7. I'm such a carnivore! I love meat. I'm not obessive or anything, but it's so good! Have you ever heard of Rodizios? Or any Brazilian restaurant for that matter. They just bring around TONS of different kinds of meat and they scrape you off a bit of each one and you can pick and choose. So delicious! But I still love my veggies and healthy stuff too. :)
Well there are seven facts! Now who to nominate.....
Brie from Blueberry lake. She is just an awesome girl that I met through this blogging world. She always has the best attitude and posts tons of inspiring things.
Brit from Dancing Through Life. I LOVE this girl. We had a dance class together and I'm so glad we became friends. She is such a wonderful person, and has such a good sense of humor. She can make anyday bright. :)
Kelsey from Kelsey and Covey. This girl is just about the cutest thing on this planet. I love reading her posts. Her and her husband are so in love, and they have tons of fun adventures.
Just a random pic of my lovely friend, Jessica. Hope your day was bright today!
Girl it's like we're meant to be blogging friends or real friends even. AND I just read that you're leaving on your mission soon! I'm sure you'll be awesome. You are adorable.
Um, bear hunting??? That is amazing! You're interesting facts just won!
I've never seen the hannah Montana movie, but I did make my high school bf watch bratz with me. (yikes)
This just made my day!! :) your so sweet! And youve inspired me even MORE to go on a mission. You'll be amazing, no doubt :)
I totally keep spoons in my mouth too! I'm not sure why but it is fun. :] And drives my husband crazy. Haha. And I like the Hanna Montana Movie too!!
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