Sunday, July 31

Dear Future Companions...

      I was thinking about you guys today, and how EXCITED I am to meet all of you!  I cannot wait to have (insert number of companions I'll have) new best friends.

I just wanted to write you all a little letter to explain what I'm thinking before we go through the stages of not being able to stand each other sometimes {I sincerely hope there is none of this, but 27/7 togetherness, well ya never know.}, the amazing spiritual times {I hope there are MANY of these}, the hard times {we can get through them! How blessed we are!}, the laughter times {please, let's laugh in all appropriate times, and at ourselves because we'll all be learning together}, the tour times {let's make every tour we can unforgettable}, and the study times {by small and simple means are great things brought to pass.  line upon line. :) }...and all other times that will come up!

     I've been getting a little nervous, as I've started to read/study PMG a little bit.  Study this, remember that, study this a little deeper, remember, now have you thought about what you studied today??  I'm a very black and white person when it comes to the gospel sometimes, and I get overwhelmed a little when I feel like I can't do everything that's asked of me, even when I so desperately want to.  But I have faith that we will work together, you'll help me {especially at first, sorry senior companions! I hope i don't ask too many questions haha}, and I'll hopefully help you in some form.

     I'm so excited to give tours! And to learn more about the pioneers who gave so much for us to be here!  I can't wait to learn all the little stories with you guys, and to make every person who goes through the visitor center, hopefully feel the spirit very strong.

    I'm warning you, I LOVE to take pictures. So please, just humor me if I want to take tons of random things.  I love documenting those memories.  I hope on P-days, we get everything done that we have to and find lots of things to do that we want to!  Even if it's just a little picnic or something.  I hope we get to go to the temple a couple times!  I most of all hope that we can finish what the Lord wants us to accomplish while we are out in the mission field.

    I'm sure you sisters are gorgeous, smart, talented, the list could go on and on, and I know it will be such a privilege to have been able to work with you closely.

See ya in the MTC and field!
Sister Baker

Friday, July 29

Want some!

Have you guys ever heard of stumbleupon??  It seriously is so awesome!  Kinda like Pinterest, but kinda not. haha. You can click on as few or as many catagories as you want shown, and with the click of a button it takes you to millions of random, and I mean RANDOM things that are on the internet according to the catagories of interest you selected.  You can make an account and "like" certain pages and it will keep them for you!  Seriously, the best bordem activity, (or activity to do on a 12 night shift when you haven't gotten any sleep but need to stay awake.)
Anyways, among the many really interesting and specatular things that I've found, {you'd be AMAZED at what amazing things are on the w.w.w that you would never have found by yourself.} I found the recipe for this.
You ready??

They seriously look heavenly. {Click on the link, and I'm sure you will agree with me.} Too bad I'm trying to lose weight before my mission, so as in hopes to make the pounds I'm sure to gain there take longer to make me look bigger than I am now, or else I would make and EAT these yummy's up! 

Thursday, July 28

9 days....9 days...

So I work, {or thought I work} four days in a row this week. Not too bad, the extra shift will be nice on the paycheck in two weeks, ya?
I was like, sweet! And I get Sunday, and Monday off, and then back to another three before I go to the sunny island of CATALINA to visit my sister. And to top it all off I get to go wakeboarding on Monday!!!  Seriously I didn't think the next week or so could get any better.
I come to work tonight, and see what I'm working for the next month or so, and realize. . .I work Sunday AND Monday as well.  

Never have I done nine 12 hr shifts in a row before. 108 hrs total.. 

My mind kinda went in a whirl all of a sudden.  But my first thought?  
I hope I can still go wakeboarding!
Not: crap, nine? ugh, this is going to suck. Why me? Grr..

But: Even if I don't sleep a wink in 48 hrs, I am going wakeboarding, and going to enjoy the 20 hrs of overtime, and just be one happy chica.

Can I just say I love this new outlook I have on life? Never in my life have I just been so aware of much I am blessed.  Life is so good. We are each so unique and so needed in this world.  I wish I would have learned this earlier in my life. 

Indulge me on a few picture quotes I found on someone's Pinterest
.{I can't remember who. sorry!}
 Quotes make my day.  

I more I live, the more I'm learning to do this. and the more I'm learning how wonderfully true, amazing it is.

HAHAHa, I LOVE this.  This is totally going in my boys room one day.

My motto for life.

I WILL have this in my house.  I cannot think of a better family motto for my kids to look at and be reminded each day.

Obviously, self explanatory.

Ever done self talk? I actually wrote this on my own bathroom mirror after I saw this, and every time I look at it, I subconsciously make it a goal. To be my best self today. To shine, and to live so me, and my Heavenly Father are proud of me this day.  I can already tell a difference!

{And wonderful side note...Blogger uploaded these MEGA fast! Does that EVER happen? Seriously it took like two seconds.  They were meant to be here ;) }

What makes you smile, be confident, and unique??

Wednesday, July 27

17 Miracles

I can't help but post about this movie.
A couple weeks ago I read the "Fire of the Covenant" by Gerald N. Lund.  {If any of you haven't read books by him I STRONGLY suggest you do.  The "Work and the Glory" series were amazing as well.}  This is the story about the Martin and Willie handcart companies who left so late in the year, and all their hardships.  I cried in a lot of parts while reading this book.

Then the movie 17 Miracles came out.  I think it might only be a Utah thing...maybe I'm wrong? let me know! But it was also about those two companies.  I love church history, and I love learning about the pioneers {I seriously am going to the perfect mission for me} and I was so excited to see this movie.  I was not disappointed.

What an incredible, moving, movie.  It was like a documentary, but turned more movie so it would be more enjoyable for more audience members.  I cried through a lot of it.  You can't help not too!  The hardships, pains, and sufferings they went through, defy thinking.  When reading a book about it, you picture what's going on in your head and that is poignant enough.  But actually seeing the frostbite..the incredible lack of food..the fire they had in touches you in a whole different way.

The end of the movie was the real tear-jerker. If i hadn't of been in a theatre and trying {not too successfully, but it was kinda workin.} not to cry too hard, I would have been sobbing.  emotion just wells up in your heart for these people.  At the end there was a sentence that really struck me.
"Miraculously, there were not too many more that died in these two companies than in any other wagon train that went across the Oregon Trail."
The Lord did save His people.  Their journey might have been more rough than others, but they were faithful, and endured, and He never let them down.

What made the movie experience even more wonderful, was that after the movie was over and the credits started playing, NOONE moved. There was a still, reverent, hush over the theatre.  I know that not everyone in that theatre could have been LDS, but the Spirit was strong, and the story wonderful.  And even as everyone left it wasn't loud and boisterous.  It was a perfect ending to that movie, and I'm grateful I got to experience that.

I hope everyone gets a chance to see this movie.  I hope we never forget their legacy or what they've done for us.

Monday, July 25

What a beautiful night

I seriously had a wonderful day.
Cinnamon french toast WITH whipped cream, strawberries, and this amazing syrup.  {Thanks Kneaders for coming to STG!}
Watching Tangled. {can never get enough of that movie}
Watching the Zookeeper! {not expecting it to be funny, but seriously me and two 22 yr old boys probably laughed louder than the kids in the theatre. no shame :) }
Hanging out with my Jess and Mark.  Costco pizza, churro, pool time, mark planking, hear/see/speak no evil at passing cars, and last but not least, what I want to talk about most...
This BEA-U-tiful world our Heavenly Father has made for us.

Mark, Jess, and I were chillin in the pool.  It seriously was one of my favorite weather types to just relax too. A slightly warm breeze.  I was on a super comfortable floaty.  The clouds were so gorgeous. The sky was slightly darker and you could feel the rain coming on.  The clouds and beauty of the sky made me think of eternity. So we three talked about the wonders of eternity, and the life God has given us.  About how They made this exquisite world for us to enjoy, how blessed we are.  We were able to come down and receive these amazing bodies.

I can't describe the peace I felt this afternoon, looking up into the skies and pondering on my Heavenly Father and Savior.
Later tonight, it started raining, and lightening a little. I love the rain.  And it was just another testimony to me.  It was one of those nights that I just wanted to go for a walk with someone.

Today was really simple, but I haven't had this good of a day in awhile.  Prayers are answered, and maybe not in a way we want or expect and maybe it's not technically an answer at all, but He is very alive in our lives.  They love us so much, it's beyond comprehension most times.

This is how I was celebrating life today.  <3
Live life with passion! Find out who you are, and do it on purpose.

Friday, July 22

Can I die right now?

I am so tired I can't even begin to explain.  I tried to sleep late yesterday, yah I woke up at 830.  I knew i was in for a long night.  it's been almost 24 hours and it's all starting to catch up to me.  I can barely keep my eyelids open.  I just want to sleep.
For two weeks I got on a day schedule and my body was just barely getting used to that. Then income night shift, bam! my body is thrown off again.
I hope I'll be able to sleep for tonight. I wanted to go to the temple, but I'll barely be able to function there as well if I do go.  i'm laying in bed till the very last minute.

lovin the sunshine :)

The past two weeks have been simply, awesome. 
So good to spend it with family. 
To go through the temple of our Lord.
to swim with manitees!
enjoy laughing and teasing with cousins.
Getting to know cousins i hadn't really talked to before.
opening my mission call!
buying some mission clothes.
getting tan.
playing on the beach.
riding the waves.
eating super yummy ribs, and good southern cookin'.
picking peanuts.
eating said delicious boiled peanuts.
drinking more soda in two weeks than I have in a long time.
taking pictures.

Thursday, July 21

I love to see the temple

On July 15, 2011 I became an endowed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. <3

What a great blessing!  I was planning on going through the temple in St. George. I wanted all my friends to be there since I don't have hardly any family that can go in the temple, and I LOVE the STG temple, and I had made up my mind when I first started thinking about a mission.  But a week or so before I left for Florida for vacation, I thought again that I should go through the Orlando temple while we're down there so that my grandparents don't have to fly back out here.  ( I had thought of this idea before but hadn't wanted to, so I had forgotten about it.) So I call my bishop, and he said that the stake president wouldn't give me my recommend until I actually had my call.  (this was before I got my call, obviously. ;) ) Well we had this big plan. . . my step grandma was going to overnight my call to me if it came while we were gone, and the bishop/stake president said that they would ship me a temple recommend if that did happen.  It was going to be an epic project haha. But my call came the day before we left!  And that night I got in with my bishop AND stake president (so blessed) and I officially held my recommend. 
It was so amazing just to have it in my hands. Then, I actually got to go through.  And feel the peace everyone talks about is there. The still, meek, comforting feeling.  That is the Lord's house on earth.  I promised, and was promised many things, most of which I don't remember, (TONS of information), but I can't wait to go back and feel all of that again. 

I'm goin to Nebraska!

Geez, it's been forever!  Guess that's what almost two weeks in Florida will do to ya.
But I got my mission call!!

Nebraska Omaha Mission at the Mormon Trail in the Winter Quarters Historic Site!
I leave October 12!

I wish it was here already haha, three months seems like forever.  Then I realize it's been five since the big traumatic event in my life started everything, and I think, Ok, it will go faster than I think.
It was really awesome to open it though! I had it the entire day before, then had to wait the entire day on the planes, and then finally that night.  But it was worth it to open it with my grandparents there!  

I wish I could leave now, but I realize how much work I have to do before I go!  Things are so much easier for the boys, because most of the time they aren't completely on their own yet so they don't have to worry about things like a cell phone contract, car payment, etc etc. I don't know quite yet what I'm going to do about everything, but I know the Lord will provide all and that I'm doing His will, so He will provide a way in which to accomplish it.  
I hope you all will write me! 

Any advice?? On anything?? 


Wednesday, July 6

Theeeeey're HERE!!

So I get awoken by the house phone ringing this morning.  I don't answer it because I hardly ever answer our house phone, for some reason, but I could hear the lady talking when she was leaving a message.
The kitchen is a little ways away but I heard,
                  "This is so and so, I'm your mail lady, and {static static} something {static static} for Chelsey.."
At this point, I'm like ok, well I know it's for me, and I was pretty curious of course, so I'll answer it before she hangs up.

"hey hey I'm here!" 
{I sounded a little overeager.  I knew that something for Chelsey could only be my papers or my passport.  I had kinda figured it was my passport and maybe it was like special mail or something and they had to call to get it picked up. Still, that made me way excited.}

"oh, is this LaVoye {mother}?"

"Nope it's Chelsey!!"
 {haha I just seriously crawled out of bed and ran to the phone so my voice sounded lovely and a little high pitched.  I know so because she started laughing.}

"Your papers are here!!  Do you want to pick them up here or wait till I get up there??"
{I live 20 mins out of STG.}

I told her to just bring them up here but MY PAPERS ARE HERE!!! It's been two weeks as of tomorrow!!  GAH! Ok, last chance for any guesses!!!  I won't open it till tomorrow when I'm with my grandparents....eek, can I wait that long??
Yes, yes I can. My grandparents are two of the most important people in my lives.  I want to be with them.  If it was anymore than two days...I couldn't do it.  But I will hold it in. :)

It's crazy to think that these pieces of paper hold the information where the next year and a half of my life will be spent.  

Monday, July 4

Happy 4th and PARTY day!

Remember THIS?  Welp, it's monday folks!  
Today I really want to celebrate that I'm 
For some reason the past few days I have felt very blah.
 Not a lot of motivation to do much of anything. 
 {maybe it's the lack of sleep, but I think it's a little more than that.} 
I'm really tired of being blah though.  
I know that by counting my blessings, I will feel rejuvenated.  

I'm so happy I'm alive and that I have a body that can do this..
And see the beauty of this..

And have amazing friends like this..

~being able to worthily serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  {call should be here any day now!!}

~to feel the wind {I love the wind} and the sun.  

~to not have to worry if I'm going to be able to find something to eat for meals.

~to have a purpose in my life..  I know where I've been, where I'm going, and where I'm going after I die.

~to be able to laugh, and to hear laughter.

The list could go on and on!  But I have so any things to be grateful for, and it makes me sad that I forget that sometimes.  I such a lucky girl in so many aspects.  I'm so happy to be alive!
Aren't you???    Can I get a hoo-rah??


I'm also very grateful to live in America.  The land of the free, because of the brave.  Thank you to EVERYONE who has and are making it so we can live in this great nation.

And who doesn't enjoy fireworks!  I still ooh and ahh, no matter how old I get. 
 Hope your day is party-and-red/white/blue-liscious!!


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