Tuesday, April 12

Come what may..and LOVE it.

Life can change in the blink of an eye.
I'm so very sorry for the depressing posts.  This last week and a half has been a killer.  I've never been more low, yet so held up at the same time.
This gospel is so very true.  I was at my wits ends today.  I even started my mission papers, but after a very amazing blessing, and very spiritual experience, I know I need to slow down.
I need to heal first.
And then, if a mission is right, I will go. Or I will find another mission. My blessing was very specific.
I am LOVED by my Heavenly Father, as is every other one of His children.
I wish I could explain to you the feeling of pure amazingness it is to know and understand that.
My life changed when I met Marshall.
My life kept changing as we dated.
My life changed when I moved back down.
My life changed when we were engaged.
My life DEFINITELY changed when we broke up and I lost my best friend..
My life changed when I decided to go on a mission.
And now my life has changed AGAIN, to what is right in my life now.
But never fear, for we are always watched over. He is so keenly aware of our situations.
Life is meant to be ENJOYED, not simply endured.
And I was for sure just enduring this past week.
But I now very keenly know how loved I am by my Heavenly Father.
And what is right for someone else, does not necessarily mean it's right for me.  I am living my own life, and everything that happens to me, and when it happens to me, will be amazing for me.  I am learning to love myself...and all that is happening to me. Because if anything had happened to me differently? I wouldn't appreciate or love my life as much.
Gosh I'm so excited for all to come!!
I know I am still grieving. How can you not when you lose your best friend and someone you thought you were going to spend eternity with? But among the sad, I have faith everything will be okay, and that there is greater plan for both of us, and we will be SO happy.  How could an amazing God and our Father, have something different?
And I love you.
So hopefully as my life changes even more this coming year, that I can take it as it comes, and love whatever happens to me.

2011.  the year of change... bring it. :)

Blessing of the Day :)
-My Heavenly Father LOVES me. And I am one of His special daughters. What an amazing realization. Even though I knew it before, I KNOW it deep down now.  I can't imagine anything sweeter.

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