Tuesday, May 10


I love going to the temple.
I love changing into all white clothes.
I love kneeling there, in the stall after I'm all dressed in white, and saying a prayer.
I love the cleanness, physical and spiritual, there.
I love it when there are TONS of people there and you have to wait in line forever for everything, because it goes too fast otherwise.
I love being confirmed...when their hands touch my head, you can instantly feel a connection to Heaven.
I love being baptized and hoping and praying that each person will accept the marvelous gift.
I love trying to imagine each person.
I love saying, "Amen" to each prayer, and silently saying "I love you."  Because it's true. I hope I get to meet every woman I've been baptized/confirmed, and one day sealed/endowments etc. for.
I love seeing all the temple workers.
I love taking a big breath right before I open the door to leave, and mentally prepare to go out in the world again.
I love walking out the door and seeing the BEAUTIFUL temple grounds, especially on lovely summer/spring/fall days.
I love going with friends to do baptisms.
I love even more going by myself to do them..I can't believe I used to be scared of doing that.
I love the temple so much, and can't wait till I can learn more.

*I hope all that are reading this know the gospel, but if you don't, PLEASE go HERE.  I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Just please keep an open mind and heart, and I know it will bring you the same happiness it has brought me.*

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