Sunday, May 8


I guess instead of journaling, I should be out doing stuff...but it's sunday and we're just waiting to go see my mom..and I just wanted to again.

I love writing in my journal, and online in this thing.  I want to be able to look back and read and see how I handled all the situations in my life.

I'm so glad I listened when the prophets said to keep one.  I found journals from when I was like 8 or a little before. It's so fun to read a little me, and to remember those feelings coming back. Because you're using a very powerful sense organ to write those memories, and it stays with you.

"To you women of today, who are old or young, may I suggest to you that you write, that you keep journals, that you express your thoughts on paper. Writing is a great discipline. It is a tremendous education effort. It will assist you in various ways, and you will bless the lives of many--now and in the years to come, as you put on paper some of your experiences and some of your musings." --President Gordon B. Hinckley

Leave it to President Hinckley to say something perfect.
I miss him.
But I love all the prophets, and am so grateful for them all.

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