Thursday, October 6

i loved you too much to just be your friend, so God let me be your sister

Ya know those times when you and your sister just get in a really silly, dorky, giddy mood and you both just keep laughing at(with) the other one about the most random stuff? because you  can be your absolute self around her?
When you know life can just be smiled at, 
and things really are good no matter what you're going through.

I <3 those times.

Thank you Cierra for putting up with my crazy antics. I love you so much :)


Emma Frances said...

Those times are seriously the best! I love looking back and remembering giggling for hours and not even remembering why. Just remembering it being a blast! :] Sisters are the best!!

Brie said...

Ahhh sisters :) I love this!!


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