Sunday, September 11

I'm very humbled today..

It's been ten years.  I remember going to school, and we watched the news in science class.  We went to New York my senior year of high school, and I've seen Ground Zero.  How humbling that was.  So many people lost their lives right on the ground where I walked.  Even though I saw it six years after the fact, there was still a reverence there.  Something I think, and seriously hope, will never leave.  I'm grateful for the troops fighting for us now.  To keep us free so we can have the freedoms we do.  I'm grateful for all the firefighters and medics and others involved who heroically, with no thought for themselves, fought to save the lives of those in the towers.  I'm very humbled today.  May we never forget, and never let our children forget, and our children's children, forget this day.


 Memorial for all those who lost their lives.

This one really gets me.



Ash said...

I can't imagine being down there. What a strange feeling it must have been.

Emma Frances said...

Such a good post. I remember that day too but wasn't able to fully grasp what happened until years later. The families of those who lost loved ones will forever be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I went there too but wasn't able to get pictures of it cuz I definitely didn't have a camera yet.

And the Navigation bar thing, you should be able to choose what color you want it to be (limited selections but a few)

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