Wednesday, June 1

Melancholy. . .Yet, Purposeful

Today started out amazing! I got to hang out with my favorite girl Catharine. I seriously miss this girl so much.
We used to hang out almost everyday, but little preggo mama is busy, and I work like there is no it has kinda been hard to get together.
But we had a lovely pics!?!?!  WHY cat WHY? We are the worst at taking pics haha.
But it was awesome, and I love talking to that girl, and I'm SO glad I'll get to be there when she has her little bebeh. :) :)

I went and worked out. FOUR days straight! People, this is amazing.
So that felt good. friend starting talking to her friend, who just graduated high school last year, already has her associates, and is going to teach English in China soon.  Can I just say I feel like I haven't done anything with my life? lol.  I know that's not right.
I have loved my life, loved everything I've done or I wouldn't have done what I've done.
I just need something right now.
I need to feel like I'm going somewhere.
Maybe I'll go do something dance wise in China! I know there has to be something to teach children musical theatre somewhere.
I need to look into things...
But I have to learn to be my best self right now.
So, for right now, I know there is this Children of Hope academy somewhere in town, and I want to go volunteer there.  I need to serve others, instead of serving myself as much as I have been. I've taken the time to heal from my experience, and now I need to try to repay all the love Heavenly Father has shown me.  By serving my fellow man.  I can't wait!

I need to pray with more purpose, and not just sit and let everything come to me.  It's not going to happen.  I need to do more than I'm doing to receive an answer.
Thanks are amazing, don't forget it  :)

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