So a few things I've learned the past few days.....
Neesh and I went shopping this morning because she needed groceries. And ever since Marshall I really have been excited about having my own home etc.etc. So it's always kinda in the back of my mind but we were checking out today, and when the lady was putting the stuff in bags, I thought of what my dear sister KC stands for in not wasting the planet with bags. (holla woman!) and so I thought of how I will get my own reusable bags. And it honestly just hit me. I was SOOO excited to have my own house. To shop for my husband, and then for our kids. Excited to have my own bags! haha. Crazy, I know. But it just hit me and it was a great feeling. I can't wait for that. I know I have YEARS to go before that dream will be mine, but I can't wait!! :)
I thought this one was cute :)
Thing number 2
-I was asking people to come in a little bit for me tomorrow so i can go to the interview, and this one girl (who almost went on a mission but her now husband convinced her to stay) said that she would, and the way she worded it was, "Not a problem, love :) you go pursue your dreams. :) "
It just kinda hit me. Because yah, this is my dream now. Or at least it's slowly becoming it, as I get over the depressing sadness of losing my fiance.
I'm excited for the steps my life is taking. Mission...then I can do WHATEVER i want. Whatever in the world. I've given my life to the Lord fully for a year and a half, and then I get to come home, and while not stopping that, I get to try anything. And then I'll get my family, and I honestly believe that you can look at life like a fairytale. Yes, things will be hard, and you have to be in reality enough to understand that. But life can be magical, when everything is in it's right timing.
The Right Place, Right Time, and Right One.
You are the author of your life, and when guided by the Almight Perfect One, it can be so much more than you could ever dream of.
Hah this looks so fun to me. Just perfect :)
Number 3
So I bore my testimony on Sunday, and then my mom's home teacher came up to me and started talking, and then, my mom text me last night and said that he called and he wanted to tell me that I missed your awesome testimony and that he could hear the sincerity in my words and that it touched him deeply and he thought about it all day sunday and yesterday. Me? My little ol words? That I was sniffling and crying through? Wow.
It hit me. You NEVER know who needs anything you might give them. It's amazing, the power of the Holy Ghost. It made my whole night.
Number 4
This little mama is my sister, kc :)
We had a funny texting convo this morning that I have to write down and share :)
We were talking about how I'm going to have all these kids and that I'll need a U-haul trailer to go anywhere with them. Well I said well I might need one for when they come stay at your house for a whole summer. and then she said. And you would only roll on the floor laughing if you knew us, or were us. haha
"I'm gonna punch you haha, fine, if I get them for the whole summer you aren't gonna complain when they're returned to you vegetarians smelling like incense and wearing vnecks and beanies."
I remembered more, but I can't remember now ha. But I will add as they come up :)
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