Monday, May 23

Line Upon Line

It's like watching the stars appear at night. First one little light shines over there in the western sky. And then another, and then another. Until finally...well, look for yourself. A whole wonderful endless universe that began...with just one little star.

Line upon line, precept on precept.
That is how he lives us. That is how he teaches his children.
Line upon line, precept on precept.
Like a summer shower giving us each hour his wisdom.

If we are patient, we shall see how the pieces fit together in harmony.
We'll know who we are in this big universe and then we'll live him forever.
But until it happens...

Isn't it something, Jimmy? Millions and billions of stars. And trillions more we can't even see. A whole universe of opportunity. Wouldn't it be tragic to just throw it all away because we can't see it all right this minute?

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