Saturday, August 13

Catalina love

Last weekend I was so fortunate to be able to go to Catalina Island to see mi sista from anotha mista.  She works at a boyscout camp (yes, no typos there) all summer on this gorgeous place, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her.  There are two main parts to the is the big tourist spot that everyone goes to, Avalon, and then Two Harbors.  Two Harbors is a smalllll little town (only a general store, and restaruant) but this side houses all the coves that have the boy scout camps etc.  So less populated, but freaking gorgeous.
 I wish I would have taken more pics, but I was having so much fun.  I seriously haven't had that much fun in a weekend trip in a long time.
This is what gets those huge thing that go on semis off of the big liners that come in from all over the world. It was right by where the ferry was leaving. It was really cool to see them at work.  It's a big magnetic arm that lifts them up and sets them down on a ship.
A lighthouse just as your getting out of the bay into the open ocean.  gorgeous.
These are EVERYWHERE. People live to sail on Catalina.

The girls.  We had so much fun.  That night we danced it up, and seriously just had a great time.  After walking/jogging/sprinting to the general store to buy a hoodie before it closed.

The sweetest guy took me on a hike around a part of the island.  It was so much fun to talk to him (he's been going here for a LONG time, and just got back from iraq so he had tons of awesome stories.  He was a pretty cool kid.)
 AW becks. :)
The boyscouts hard at work :)

 Isn't she so gorgeous?

     This was a last hike we went on before I left. We didn't get too far, but it was so pretty and relaxing!  Then Kayci and I sat on a ledge and talked for at least a good hour.  We stared out over the waves at the great expanse of the ocean and just talked about everything. (pretty sure there was a whale or dolphin or seal or some big creature playing around in the water below us, but it was too dark.  But fun to hear it splash and jump) We definitely have experienced opposite things when it comes to our lives, but we only grow closer instead of it getting between us.  <3

   This weekend was an eye opener for me.  I've never been so confused and happy at the same time. I didn't know what to do with all the information I had processed during the trip, and it honestly freaked me out a little.  But now that I'm home, I have figured out how to take all I learned and incorporate it into my own life, my life that I love.  And use it to help me be a more well rounded person.  It doesn't mean I have to drastically alter the course of my life all of a sudden, but I can take bits and pieces and make it a new part of me, a part that I'm so excited to mold and develop and see what I can make out of it.

Never give up the opportunity to try anything new. No matter how scary it might seem. Life is way too short.  I've been being taught that my whole life, but what I've learned while I was in my last relationship and then this weekend, really solidified it for me.  The mind is a stronghold, but it can also be a hindrance if you let it get in the way from it telling you your scared.
Carpe Diem.
but don't forget who you are deep down, use those experiences to refine you, and I can only imagine the happiness that can come from it.

We sailed right through a pod of dolphins!!!!!  Don't believe me???? Well you should.  No pictures because our little sailboat was not the sturdiest and noone wanted to risk tipping (which was very likely) and ruining the cameras.  it was AMAZING though! There were at least 200 or more.  No joke.  And then to top it off, I'm pretty sure I saw a whale surface and then go back down.    There is nothing more legit than that.


I went paddle boarding.  This is SO fun.  Everyone should try it.


DId I mention I seriously want to move to California when I get off my mission? Jus' sayin. Jus' sayin. Who's with me? haha :)

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