Wednesday, August 3

those moments..

       Ever have those moments? ya know when either you read, see, hear, witness, or in any way that information can be relayed to the brain something that changes your life for good?  I don't think it's ever just one huge, mind-boggling, event that only happens once and the rest is history.  I believe that whether they be big or small, there are MANY moments that change us. That give us strength to go on. That remind us how much we are loved. That remind us just how special each of us are.  It recharges our "batteries", so to say.  Because even if we are happy, and nothing is really going wrong, I still think our "batteries" slowly lose energy.  and it's those moments, most of the time when we don't even think we need them, that bring us back up to full, and give our lives even richer meaning, and even more confidence to go on and be the best we can be.

      That was a long introduction.  But I had one of those moments tonight.  Four thirty in the morning.  After a night of so much fun, and then pondering, and then tears, and then sadness, {it all came on so suddenly.  Isn't it crazy how life works?} I was just going to go to bed. I am exhausted, in all forms of the word emotionally, and physically.  {remember my day of wakeboarding? haha yaaaah, definitely paying for that one. can barely move any muscle in my body!}

     But I decided to check facebook, first.  There is a very special lady in my life, and I have only known her for a little over a year, but she is more of an example and means more to me than she'll ever know. I look up to her.  But I had written her a message a couple days ago, just saying hi.  And the message I got back tonight, was exactly what I needed, and I didn't know I needed it.

     I won't say what the message said, but I guess the point I'm trying to make, {sorry if I'm rambling, I just really feel I need to get this out} is that I was at a low, and something so simple as her message {which related hardly nothing to what I was upset about earlier tonight} made my entire out look change again; one of those moments. I didn't realize i needed my batteries recharged, until I read it.

       It's a testimony of how we are not alone. A loving God is in heaven watching out for us.  And He works through others sometimes, no-most of the time, to remind us that He's there.  How much of a win-win is that for us? Our relationship grows stronger with Him as we recognize His hand, we grow as individuals, and also a sweetening of the relationships we have with the people He works through.  Have you ever had a stranger smile at you? Ever had a close friend or family member say they love you? or write you a little note? or do something for you that they didn't need to do?  I could name many more examples.  But I believe that they are being instruments for the Lord, when He can't be here Himself.

       I heard somewhere, Never let a good thought go undone. (or something to that effect.)  You never know when the Lord is going to use you to be a moment for someone else. Most of the time you won't realize the effect that is produced, but do your good thoughts anyways.  I've tried to live by that, and I can tell a difference in my own happiness when I don't act as much as I should on those thoughts.

        And even though she'll probably never read this, I just want to tell her thank you.  Thank you for acting on that good thought to say what she did.  {because she said some things that normally she doesn't elaborate on, but she did tonight.} coincidence? I don't believe so.

If you made it to the end, wow, and thank you!  The Lord knows what we need, when we need it.  We are never alone.  <3



Ash said...

I know exactly what you're saying. So many times I've had just silly little things happen to me that have made all the difference, and that have shown that God cares enough about me to help me fix those little things that I fret about.

(And I'm glad you're friend puts ketchup on her tacos too. It's a sickness really.)

Brie said...

I love this :) very very inspiring!

Deidre said...

It's very true. I find it most that suddenly all my favourite bloggers are writing posts that seem to speak directly to me - I'm always amazed that it happens and so grateful to have people all over the world who can relate to me.


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