Saturday, June 18

patiently follow our road

I'm kind of a black and white person, very literal, especially when it comes to church things.
this can be good, yet very bad at the same time.
I was reading the Ensign the other day, and came across this.
In my black and whiteness, I just perceived that God was trying to teach me patience about where my life is right now. Yes, this is one thing.
But patience applies to ALL aspects of life.  
I took this little challenge, and it's amazing what you most scriptures that you've already read.

1.Read each scripture under patience then ponder Christ's examples.
2. Evaluate ourselves where we stand on patience. How much more patience do we need to become more Christlike?
3.become more sensitive to the example of patience in everyday.
4. Recommit every day.

There are a lot of scriptures relating to patience...
Here are some of my thoughts that stood out to me...
     ~with patience run this race, looking always to Christ.  It's OK to go slow.
 {this needs to slap Chelsey in the face a few more times ha.}
     ~But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting       nothing.
{what a beautiful statement. when we exercise patience, and trust in the Lord, we will want nothing because we waited and hoped for what was best.}
     ~Life is this never ending race.  Even if we learn something once, doesn't mean we will always remember that lesson. We are human, and we forget things.  It's ok to make mistakes.  Because if we've truly learned that lesson then it will be a lot easier to come back to the path.
     How great is it knowing we can always come back...He loves us that much.
The scenery will change along our road we're on, but it can always be beautiful to us if we're willing to keep Him in the driver seat and enjoy the ride.

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